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Poudre pour blanchir les dents | Dentist Approved

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La poudre de charbon de bois blanchissante pour les dents pour blanchir vos dents ? Oui ! Le charbon actif est l'ingrédient secret. C'est une version oxydée du charbon et peut être utilisée pour blanchir efficacement les dents. Il élimine les taches externes de vos dents sans les ingrédients chimiques toxiques utilisés dans le blanchiment des dents commercial. Ce blanchiment des dents favorise une bonne santé bucco-dentaire et peut modifier le pH de la bouche, aidant ainsi à réduire les éléments qui causent les caries, les maladies des gencives et la mauvaise haleine.

La poudre de charbon de bois blanchissante pour les dents est un blanchisseur de dents 100 % naturel. Il blanchit naturellement les dents, polit les dents, renforce l'émail et détoxifie votre bouche sans aucun produit chimique ni agent nocif ajouté. Tout cela en trempant simplement une brosse à dents humide dans la fine poussière noire, inodore et sans goût. Brossez en petits cercles doux pendant deux minutes. Crachez soigneusement, rincez bien et c'est fait. Votre bouche sera incroyablement propre…

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dedans ? Charbon actif à base de coque de noix de coco 100 % biologique avec une pointe de poudre de bentonite et de myrte citronnée. 

NETTOYEZ ET BLANCHIZ VOS DENTS de manière entièrement naturelle.

FORMULE PREMIUM : ingrédient entièrement naturel et biologique pour aider à détoxifier votre bouche et vos dents et leur donner une sensation de propreté.

CHARNIÈRE DE COCO ACTIVÉ : une poudre antibactérienne et antifongique excellente pour les gencives dents saines et sensibles, en plus il élimine les taches de nourriture et de boisson au fil du temps !

1-2 MOIS D'APPROVISIONNEMENT : Selon l'utilisation, ce pot de blanchiment des dents naturel durera 1 à 2 mois (environ 110 utilisations) 

BLANC ET ÉLIMINATEUR DE TACHES NATUREL - Élimine naturellement les taches de café, de thé, de vin et de tabac. Sans danger pour une utilisation quotidienne.

IDÉAL POUR TOUTE LA FAMILLE - Une excellente alternative pour toute votre famille. La poudre de charbon de bois raffinée provenant des sources les plus pures blanchit vos dents sans sensibilité.

Le charbon de bois blanchissant ORGANIC LABS est 100 % naturel, 100 % végétalien avec des ingrédients qui ne sont pas mélangés à des produits chimiques nocifs, des colorants et des arômes artificiels. Vous ne trouverez pas de fluorure, de peroxyde d'hydrogène, de tensioactif ou d'OGM dans cette poudre activée.


Ce produit est une poudre noire. Soyez prudent lorsque vous ouvrez le pot et utilisez le produit, car le produit peut être salissant.

Poudre pour blanchir les dents | Dentist Approved

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The ADA cites enamel microabrasion as the leading risk factor when using teeth whitening powder. As previously mentioned, this is usually only an issue when teeth whitening and polishing powders are misapplied or overused.

Our Teeth Whitening Powder is formulated to reduce the risk of enamel erosion with its gentle yet effective formula. We provide detailed instructions in every package of NatruSmile whitening powder, so you can rest assured knowing you're using it correctly.

One of the best things about activated charcoal whitening powder is its (conditionally) indefinite shelf life. Although activated charcoal does not decay, its effectiveness can decrease if it is not stored correctly. This is due to its porous structure and absorbent properties. The whitening powder will not work as well if it has been exposed to air.

While your Teeth Whitening Powder is kept in its airtight container, it should last for as long as you need to use it. Once you open it, the air will start to degrade the powder, but you still have plenty of time before the environment renders it ineffective. Keep it in a cool, dry place to maximize the amount of time you'll be able to use it.

The outcomes you get from using this product may differ depending on various factors such as your habits and the kind of stains on your teeth's enamel. Longer-standing stains will take longer to remove than stains that recently occurred (e.g., from having a wine night with friends or drinking several cups of coffee that afternoon).

If you use it regularly, you should see significant changes within a week. Most customers see at least some results after one or two uses.

All whitening powders are inherently abrasive—that is, they use small particles to scrub away stains. Abrasive substances can damage the enamel if used too often or for too long, which is why we include specific instructions for how to use our product.

The risks of misusing teeth whitening powder include tooth sensitivity, soreness in the gums, and increased risks of decay. Tooth decay and longer-lasting effects won't happen immediately, though—you're more likely to experience heightened sensitivity first.

Children under the age of 12 should not use our whitening powder because their teeth are still developing, and too much abrasive scrubbing could damage them. After the age of 12, make sure your child knows how to use the powder correctly and sparingly. 

If your child wears braces, they should not use teeth whitening products as the scrubbing can damage their orthodontic appliances and produce an uneven whitening result. The best alternative for a child wearing braces is to brush and floss regularly and have regular professional teeth cleanings throughout their treatment.

You should not use teeth whitening powder (or any other whitening product, for that matter) if you wear traditional braces. The brackets and wires on regular braces will prevent the whitening powder from coming into contact with your teeth, so it won’t be able to do its job. You also risk ruining the look and functionality of your braces if the powder gets stuck to them or underneath the wires.

To apply teeth whitening powder, follow these easy to use steps. First, start by brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste to remove any food particles, plaque or debris. Then, wet your toothbrush and shake off any excess water. Dip the damp toothbrush into the teeth whitening powder, making sure the bristles are coated. Next, gently brush your teeth using small circular motions for approximately two minutes, paying attention to all surfaces of your teeth. Afterward, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water to remove any residue. Finally, brush your teeth again with regular toothpaste to eliminate any remaining powder and leave your mouth feeling fresh. Repeat this process once or twice a week and you will notice gradual results.


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